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Autumn Equinox Ceremony Online

Harvesting, Celebrating, Maturation

Sunday 20 September 2020

7 - 10 pm CEST

6 - 9 pm GMT

1 - 4 pm EDT

After a lively summer adjusting to new conditions and adapting to a great deal of change, we reach the seasonal juncture and second harvest festival of Equinox, a time of harvesting, maturation, reflection, integration and transition from one season of life to the next. You are invited to join a tribe of Awakening Women, united in love and committed to healing, for this online Equinox Ceremony, in the comfort of your own home. 

At this point in the Wheel of the Year, nature is reflecting back the spirit of abundance and maturation, a joyful time of celebration as Life tips over Her full peak and guides us gently towards the quiet turning inwards of the darker months. We are at a point of ripening and harvesting the jewels we have been nurturing into maturation since the springtime. As we bathe in the beauty and bounty of summer,  these early Autumn days invite us to rest, take stock and celebrate; gathering the fruits of our cultivation to sustain, nourish and support us through the winter months.

What is currently ripening and maturing in your life? What are you ready to harvest? 

What to Expect

Join Naseem for an evening gestating in deep rest and quiet celebration, harnessing the beauty of early Autumn and the full potential of life force, as we listen deeply to the whispers of our soul and to that which wants to be harvested before the cooler days arrive. 

You will be welcomed into this safe container where the precious pearls of  Sisterhood and the medicine of togetherness can unfold. This compassionate space offers a chance to come together, receive support, share and connect through guided meditation, ritual, music and female-orientated practices to encourage the ongoing birthing of our sweet souls. 

This ceremony will offer space for you to connect your daily life with the depth and sacredness of ceremony as a living practice. Bridging the gap and allowing for the constant flux of evolution, healing and transformation to exist as an integrated and joy-filled part of your living life. 

In this time of great uncertainty and change, it is natural that more support and connection is needed to root and relax within the upheaval. It is also a potent time to harness the potentiality of what is happening at this moment in our lives. The air is ripe for growth and change, consciousness is fiercely awakening in the collective field, and as women, we stand before a great opportunity for deeper healing, awakening and transformation.

To check the time of the event in your time zone, click here.

Exchange & Booking

​To register your place click on the event link to the right of this page.

Exchange for this event is offered through a policy of honesty and appreciation. 2 options of exchange are offered so that each can pay according to what they can afford and feel is appropriate. If for any reason you cannot afford to pay an exchange welcome to get in touch with me and inquire about other options.

Once you have registered your place; details on how to pay the exchange will be emailed to you.

Normal Wage: £20 / 170 DKK

Low Wage: £15 / 130 DKK

Click here to register and book your place.

Booking closes Thursday 17 September @ 12 pm CEST.

Once booking and exchange have been made, full details of the event including Zoom link will be emailed to you. 

Join the Facebook Event for up to date info.

Sensual Summer Pleasure Package
Sensual Summer Pleasure Package
Listen, Move, Pray, Explore
Enjoy at your own pace
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